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The Trouble with Felony Murder

Ismael Barrios

Written by Ismael Barrios.

Everyone has been in the wrong place at the wrong time, or just met the wrong person at the wrong time. All learn from the interactions or situations in which they participate. This is how humans (mainly children) develop. You can tell your kids a million times that the stove is hot, but they won't know until they touch it. Everyone makes mistakes, no matter how big or small, the fewer mistakes you make.

Kids aren't always taught or behaved well enough for a number of reasons, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter whose fault Evers is. What matters is that there are people whose lives are thrown away, people who are being punished for things they never thought possible. Some would even liken it to "joint crimes"; in many cases, others would be labeled "bad guys." The question is why? The system is not meant to imprison people for life. In some cases, officials appeared to be using the charge to their own advantage.

Another possibility is that some believe the officials are trying to prevent or reduce certain crimes. Either way, that's not the answer to these problems, or mimicking how these people feel isn't going to change anything. People certainly don't feel much better about the tragedy that unfolds in these crimes. This accusation does not just blame many innocent souls for something as simple as trusting/following their close friends or family. However, it shows how eager some officials are to try to increase charges or "punish" individuals for their opinions. Given what has been said, some might see this as something the new official is trying to normalize or try, but the accusation has been around for over 300 years. The United States of America is the only country that continues to use it. This may even explain why some of these individuals may even fear for their lives, with fight or flight being the only thought some individuals often have in many situations. As mentioned earlier, many are not taught properly or do not live up to what may appear to be "normal". It is no excuse that many people have never known better or been taught or shown better things. This shows when and where one might show empathy or try to understand who they seem to be painting as the "bad guy." Some of those who might have been charged with these charges simply didn't stand a chance. They may even have a Robin Hood mentality of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, and some of them may only have "good intentions". Still, acquaintances and even other victims of the situation may have a different mindset or perception of "goodwill." These behaviors or ways of thinking can lead to behavior that is legally considered a crime. No one justifies crime, but sometimes it helps to put yourself in someone else's shoes. No one person in this world has the same story or experience, and many people have different reactions or perspectives on learning. To accuse someone of such a crime, many believe there should be more evidence and evidence. Given that these men were also charged with felony and felony murder, I think the charges may be exaggerated. "Overkill," as some have said, "overuse, treatment, or action; too much." Not many will fight for justice or accountability for the real murderer. But in some cases, outsiders get involved in what might be considered "illegal"/"wrong". For some reason no one tries to understand these people, they are on the same level as the people who committed the murder. These actions can be taken out of anger or for valid reasons, but are never seen as negative as they actually are. Instead of recovery, these actions lead to people being judged for actions that others are responsible for. These people have lives to live before their understanding of recovery or accountability is stolen and thrown out the window. Not only does this lead to more negative views, but it also shows a range of people, close family friends, the press and even officials how the "good guys" pursue what they believe in. Every day, a person is detained for longer than expected on this charge. Everyone should be responsible for their actions, but only for their own actions. Nobody can control another person's behavior and even trying could endanger his life, most of these people are either unaware or misguided. It's not uncommon for acquaintances to have wrong ideas about who their "friends" might be. These individuals are often blinded by many factors into believing they are doing what is best for themselves or their family. These people usually plan to commit a crime, but never a murder, because, as stated earlier, these people are not innocent but accused of a crime they did not commit. Many people may think that the system is corrupt, and they certainly wouldn't be wrong, assuming they can only get away with a limited amount. But according to the book, it's as legal as possible, as long as the prosecution can get a judge or jury to see these people as "bad guys." They are painted as the worst kind of people and every word they do is to save their own skin. But there are several stories and situations that show how ineffective these charges are when they are used against juvenile offenders. There have also been instances where the fee has been used to target people with malicious intent. However, it may be easier or feel more reasonable if there are many other fees or laws that these individuals may be subject to. From whichever point of view these acts have someone to blame for them, but from any other point of view they may not be as culpable as the association. For example, in Baltimore County, four teenagers as young as 17 and 15 were charged with murder. The four were in the middle of a burglary when the "getaway driver" encountered Baltimore County police. The young man tried to turn around and Officer Caprio instructed him to get out of the car while standing in the middle of the street. Harris, a 16-year-old boy, said he thought she was jumping out of his way, but shot him before hitting her with his car. Caprio was seriously injured and was later taken to a medical center, while Harris and three other youths were charged with burglary and first-degree murder. Harris admitted he was waiting for three others to burglary when the murder occurred and opened up the possibility of charging others with first-degree murder on felony charges.

The three teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 17, were charged as adults whose lives were changed after a split-second decision they didn't even make. Another example of a burglary gone wrong was a 15-year-old boy named Lakeith Smith. The burglary resulted in the murder of friends and associates of A'donte Washington Lakeith. After being arrested by the police, Adonte was killed by the police after trying to escape. Thought his friend had surrendered, Lakeith didn't realize he had passed away until he was told he had been charged with murder. Lakeith, a young teenager who thought he was due to go home as a teenager, was reality checked.

Not only the family of the house they were trying to rob, but A'donte Aswell's mother also expressed support. Not only supporting, but saying they don't think Lex should go to jail for murdering his friend. Not only after losing his friend Lakeith, Aswell must spend the rest of his life remembering a simple mistake he and his friend made, only to break into to a house. His life will never be the same as his family's again, and his friend's family will always be wronged.

A law enforcement officer murdered the young man and his friend fell. These examples not only show how the allegations affect young people, but may even lead officials to misunderstand how they can "do justice" from their perspective. Besides these two, there are many other examples of how this fee has been exploited. From many different perspectives, this can be seen as just or right because they are "criminals". Aside from the fact that the charges they should face may teach them what they need, what breaks the criminal impulse may be what teaches them right from wrong.

However, these are wronged people who will never learn their lesson, instead they have been taught to fear the system doing what seems to many to be unjust. These people are not innocent, but the charges against them are. Their lives are used as "examples" of power markers simply because they made a mistake.

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