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Writer's pictureSam Orlando

Divided States of America? Nearly a Quarter of Americans Support Secession and Independence from the USA

Written by: Sam Orlando

Nearly 1/4th of Americans Support Breaking Up

STAUNTON, VIRGINIA - In an unprecedented reflection of the nation's political and cultural divide, a recent YouGov survey reveals that a significant portion of U.S. adults, approximately 23 percent, express a desire for their state to secede from the Union. This sentiment is not confined to the traditional bastions of secessionist thought, such as Texas, but spans across the nation, from the icy frontiers of Alaska to the bustling streets of New York.

Alaska Has Highest Support for Secession

Alaska, surprisingly, leads the pack with 36 percent of its residents supporting the idea of becoming an independent entity, surpassing even Texas, where the concept of 'Texit' enjoys the backing of 31 percent of its population. The secessionist movement, however, is not a phenomenon exclusive to Republican-leaning states. Democratic strongholds like California and New York also show considerable support, with 29 percent and 28 percent of their populations, respectively, favoring the idea of breaking away.

The survey, which polled around 35,000 adults, uncovers a deep-seated frustration with the current state of affairs, encompassing issues such as political polarization, immigration, and border security. Taylor Orth, a pollster with YouGov, notes that the support for secession reflects "significant support" for the idea of carving up the country.

More Younger People Support Secession

Interestingly, the divide is not only along political lines but also generational ones, with younger adults showing a keener interest in secession than their elders. Moreover, Republicans across the board are more inclined towards secession than Democrats, regardless of their state's political leaning.

New York, Texas, California, and Alaska Could Afford It

The desire for secession is influenced by factors beyond mere political affiliation, including a state's size, population, and economic might. States like Alaska, Texas, California, and New York not only possess significant land mass and populations but also boast economies robust enough to potentially sustain independence. Alaska's oil and mining industries, for instance, enable the state to distribute over $1,300 annually to its residents, bolstering the long-standing efforts of the Alaskan Independence Party to push for a referendum on the matter.

Despite the growing sentiment for secession, many legal scholars argue that the U.S. Constitution does not permit states to unilaterally declare independence, a point underscored by the failed attempt of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The American populace remains divided on this legal interpretation, with a quarter believing secession is constitutionally permissible, a third disagreeing, and the rest unsure.

Texas Governor Rumored Linked to Secession Group

In Texas, the debate over secession is intertwined with the ongoing immigration crisis and disputes over border control with the federal government. Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, asserts that leaving the Union is the only route to establishing a "sensible immigration system." However, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has distanced himself from the secessionist rhetoric, emphasizing his commitment to enforcing the law rather than usurping federal authority.

As the discussion around secession gains traction on platforms like TikTok, it's clear that the idea, once considered a fringe belief, is now part of a broader conversation about the future direction of the United States. Whether these sentiments will translate into tangible political action remains to be seen, but for now, the secessionist star is undoubtedly on the rise, signaling a nation grappling with deep divisions and searching for solutions.

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